Previously Published
January 1st, 2009
“The Actuality of the History of Political Thought,” in Globale Rekonfigurationenvon Arbeit und Kommunikation, Boike Rehbein andKlaus-W. West, editors, (Konstanz, UVK Verlagsgesellschaft, 2009), pp. 241-254.
“The Anti-totalitarian Left Between Morality and Politics,” in The Modernist Imagination. Intellectual History and Critical Theory, Warren Breckman et. al., eds. (New York: Berghan Books, 2009, pp. 331-345.
“The Use and Abuse of Democracy: Paul Berman’s Generational Bildungsroman,” in Constellations, Vol 14, Nr. 2, 2007, pp. 445-453.
- French translation as “Lire l’Essai sur la revolution de Hannah Arendt après la chute du Mur,” Raison publique, Nr. 7, 2007, pp. 445-453.
- English version, motified, in Veritas (Brazil), Vol 53, Nr. 1, January 2008, pp. 29-44.
“No Political Thought Without History—No History Without Political Thought. Communism, Modernity, and Democracy,” Foreword to Claude Lefort, Complications. Communism and the Dilemmas of Democracy (New York: Columbia University Press, 2007).
- Modified version published as “Introducing Claude Lefort: From the Critiuque of Totalitarianism to the Politics of Democracy,” in Demokratiya (on line journal), Winter 2007.
“Castoriadis, Marx and Marxism,” Critical Horizons, Volume 7, Nr. 1, 2006, pp. 239-249.
“Marxist Misunderstandings: Perry Anderson and French Politics,” in Demokratiya (on-line journal), June 2006.
“De l’idéalisme en politique. Paul Berman et le destin de l’”internationale imaginaire de 1968,” in La république des idées, Nr. 13, juin 2006, pp. 37-52.
“La politique de la volonté comme antipolitique: Réflexions sur la démocratie américaine,” in Raison publique, Nr. 4, mai 2006, pp. 57-60.
“Freedom and Politics in America and in the United States,” in Freiheit und kulturelle Differenzen, Thomas Meyer and Udo Vorhold, eds., (Bochum: Projektverlag, 2006), pp. 31-41.
“Socialisme ou Barbarie,” The Twentieth Century Encyclopedia of French Thought, Lawrence Kritzman, editor (New York: Columbia University Press, 2006, pp. 738-740.
“Claude Lefort,” ibid., pp. 578-81.
“Émile Durkheim,” ibid., pp. 515-518.
“The Necessity of Politics,” in The Danish Yearbook of Philosophy, Vol. 40, 2005, pp. 37-56.
“Aux origines de la pensée politique américaine,” in Veritas (Brazil), Vol 50, Nr 1, March 2005, pp. 100-125.
“La démocratie n’est pas une politique,” La revue du MAUSS (Special issue on Malaise dans la démocratie, le spectre du totalitarisme), Nr. 25, premier semester 2005, pp. 241-258.
“Bluhm und Strauss,” Leviathan, 32 Jahrgang, Heft 1, März, 2004, pp. 135-142.
“Le paradoxal success politique d’un philosophe anti-politique,” Critique, Nr. 682, mars 2004, pp. 181-190.
“From Anti-Communism to Anti-Totalitarianism,” in Justica e Politica, edited by Nythamar Fernandes de Oliviera and Draiton Gonzaga de Souza (Porto Allegre, Brazil: Collecao Filosofia, 2003), pp. 225-255.
“La responsabilite de I’intellectuel critique in Argument.” Politique, Societe et Histoire, Vol. 5, Nr. 1, Automne-hiver 2002 pp.48-65.
“Introduktion Claude Lefort. Von der kritik des Totalitarismus zur Politik der Demokratie,” in Politik und Moderne, Debatte, Band IV, Heinrich Boell Stiftung, Bremen, 2002, pp. 1722.
“Philosophy by Other Means,” in Metaphilosophy, Vol. 32, Nr. 4, October 2001, pp. 462-501.
“Marx et la pensée critique,” in Veritas. Revista de filosophia (Brazil), Vol 46, Nr. 1, Março 2001, pp. 77-130.
“Political Theory, Critical Theory, and the Place of the Frankfurt School,” Critical Horizons, Vol. 1, Nr. 2, Fall, 2000, pp. 271-289.
“Marxism in the Post-Communist World,” in Critical Horizons, Vol 1, Nr. 1, February, 2000, pp. 71-92.
“Laudatio auf Claude Lefort,” in Festschrift zur Verleihung des Hannah-Arendt-Preises fuer politisches Denken (Bremen: 1999),pp. 31-38.
- German translation in Kommune, August, 2000.
“Marx. Philosopher Autrement,” in Histoire de la philosophie politique, dirigé par Alain Renaut, Vol IV (Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1999), pp. 179-276.
“Demokratische Republik oder republikanische Demokratie. Die Bedeutung der amerikanischen und der franzosichen Revolution nach 1989,” in Das Recht der Republik, ed by Hauke Brunkhorst und Peter Niesen (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1999), pp. 169-190.
“Autonomy— The Legacy of the Enlightenment: A Dialogue with Castoriadis,” (with Diane Pacom), Thesis Eleven, Nr. 52, February 1998, pp. 83-101.
“Kant et la pensée de la démocratie moderne,” Dialoque (Serajevo), Nr. 5-6/1997, pp. 73-87.
“La démocratie comme théorie critique,” Les Temps Modernes, 52e année, No. 594, juin-juillet, 1997, pp. 162-170.
“Entre droit et justice: vers une politique du jugement,” in Qu’est-ce que la justice? Devant l’autel de l’histoire, Jacques Poulain, ed., (Paris: Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, 1996), pp. 225-237.
- Serbo-croatian translation in Dialog (Serajevo), Nr. 2/1997, pp. 51-64.
“La politisation de la politique,” Carrefour, Revue de la société de philosophie de l’Outaouais, Vol. XVIII, Nr. 1, 1996, pp. 27/52.
“Demokratische Republik oder Republikanische Demokratie,” Jahresbericht der Heinrich Böll Stiftung, 1995/96, pp. 5-27.
“Law and Political Culture,” in Cordozo Law Review, Vol. 17, Nrs 4-5, March 1996, pp. 1391-1429.
“Just Democracy” in Constellations, Vol 2, No. 3, January 1996, pp. 333-353.
- German translation, January 1997, Berliner Debatte. Initial, as “Gerechtigkeit als Demokratie,” Vol 8, Nr. 1-2, 1997, pp. 225-237.
“Vers une politique du jugement,” in La République et la terreur, Catherine Kintzler et Hadi Rizk, eds. (Paris: Editions Kimé, 1995), pp. 119-128.
“Zur Politik der Urteilskraft,” in Einschnitte: Hannah Arendts politisches Denken heute, hgg. von Antonia Grunenberg und Lothar Probst (Bremen: Edition Temmen, 1995), pp. 64-82.
“Zwischen Recht und Gerechtigkeit. Politik der Urteilskraft versus Antipolitik,” in Die Gegenwart der Gerechtigkeit, hgg von Christoph Demmerling und Thomas Rentsch (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1995,) pp. 112-121.
“Une critique républicaine de la politique contemporaine ou: De la tentation anti-politique,” Société (Montréal), Nr. 14, hiver 1995, pp. 93-103.
“Über die Beziehung von politischer und aesthetischer Imagination” Jahrbuch der Ernst-Bloch-Gesellschaft, 1992/3, pp. 123-148.
“La Révolution américaine et l’idéologie révolutionnaire,” in La démocratie à l’oeuvre. Autour de Claude Lefort, Claude Habib et Claude Mouchard, eds., (Paris: Editions Esprit, 1993), pp. 229-241.
- English translation with additional material as “The American Revolution and Revolutionary Ideology: Claude Lefort and the ‘Second Revolution,'” Thesis Eleven, Nr. 36, 1993, pp. 168-180.
“Revolution as the Foundation of Political Philosophy,” for Hegel Reconsidered. Beyond Metaphysics and the Authoritarian State, H.T. Engelhardt, Jr. and Terry Pinkard, eds., (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1994), pp. 187-209.
“The Marxian Legacy and the Problem of Democracy,” in William Gay and Tatjana Alekseeva, eds. Russia and America in the 21st Century: Perspectives of Russian and American Philosophers, (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield, 1994), pp. 177-197.
- Reprint in The Left in Search of a Center, Peter Murphey and Michael Crozier, eds., (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1996), pp. 162-178.
- Portugese translation as “O Legado Marxiano e o Problema da Democracia,” in Trans/Form/Açao (Sao Paolo), Nr. 16, 1993, pp. 99-116.
“The Political Origins of Democracy,” in Hugh J. Silverman, ed., Writing the Politics of Difference (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1991), pp. 253-63.
“Goldmann, Kant, and the Antinomies of Democratic Politics,” Philosophical Forum, Vol. XXIII, Nos. 1-2, Fall-Winter, 1991-2, pp. 84-103.
“Rediscovering the Left,” Praxis International, Vol. 10, Nos 3/4, October 1990-January 1991, pp. 193-204.
- Portugese translation, “O Legado Marxiano E O Problema da Democracia” in Trans/Form/Açao, 16 (Sao Paulo), 1993, pp. 101-116.
“The Dialectic of the State and the Political,” Thesis Eleven, Nr. 26, 1990, pp.110-122.
“Jefferson: La Déclaration d’Indépendance,” in Dictionnaire des oeuvres politiques, 2nd edition, E. Pisier and O. Duhamel, eds. (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1989), pp. 476-482. Second edition, 2000.
“Critical Theory and the Critique of Democracy,” Philosophy and Social Criticism, Vol. 15, Nr. 1, 1989, pp. 95-105.
- Reprinted in Critical Theory and the Science of Management, Ph v. Engeldorp Gastelaars et. al, eds, (Rotterdam: Universitaire Pers, 1990), pp. 181-191.
“The Hermeneutic Dimension of Critical Theory,” Praxis International, Vol. 8, No. 4, January, 1989, pp. 476-490.
“French Rhetoric and Political Reality,” Philosophy and Social Criticism, Vol. 12, Nr. 4, October, 1987, pp. 329-349.
“Ethics and Politics,” Praxis International, Vol. VII, No. 3/4, October 1987-January 1988, pp. 360-368.
- Partial French translation in Raison présente, Nr. 83, pp. 115-126.
“Enlightenment as Political,” in Welton and Silverman, eds., Critical and Dialectical Phenomenology, Albany: SUNY Press, 1987, pp. 76-89.
- Portugese translation as “Hermenutica e Teoria Critica. Illuminismo como Politica” in Trans-Form-Açao, 17 (Sao Paulo), 1994, pp. 51-61
“The Possibilities of a post-Marxist Radicalism,” Thesis Eleven, Nr. 16, 1987, pp. 69-84.
“In the Wake of Kant: A Conference Report,” in Telos, Nr. 67, Spring 1986, 218-220.
“Philosophy and/or Politics,” Center for Humanistic Studies, University of Minnesota, Occasional Paper No. 10, 1986, 31 pp.
“Hermeneutik und kritische Theorie,” in Die Frankfurter Schule und die Folgen (Berlin: de Gruyter, 1986), pp. 167-178.
- Serbo-Croatian translation. “Hermeneutika: kriticka teorija-Provecenost kao politicko,” Theoria, (Belgrade) 1-2/1985, pp. 45-54.
- French translation, Raison Présente,Nr. 114, 2e trimestre, 1995, pp. 23-35.
“A Political Theory for Marxism,” New Political Science, Nr. 13, Winter, 1984, pp. 5-26.
“Kant’s System and (its) Politics,” Man and World, Summer, 1985, pp. 1-20.
“Od Marksa do Kanta,” (Trans, from an unpublished English lecture) Theorie (Belgrade,) Nr. 4, 1984, pp. 93-106.
“Praxis before Politics? The Problem of Sartre,” Thesis Eleven Nr. 10/11, 1984-85, pp. 189-197.
“The Return of the Political,” Thesis Eleven No. 8, 1984, pp. 77-91.
- German translation, in Zeitschrift für Didaktik und Philosophie, Summer 1987.
“De Marx à Kant. La république moderne,” in Les Temps Modernes, novembre, l983, pp. 965-989.
“The Origins of Revolution,” Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, Vol. 14, No. 1, January, 1983, pp. 3-16.
- French translation, in Raison présente, Nr. 77, hiver, 1986, pp. 75-87.
“The Politics of Modernism: From Marx to Kant,” Philosophy and Social Criticism, Vol. 8, No. 4, 1981, pp. 361-386.
“On the Transformation of Critique into Dialectic: Marx’s Dilemma,” Dialectical Anthropology, Vol. 5, 1980, pp. 75-110.
“Kant’s Political Theory: The Virtue of His Vices,” Review of Metaphysics, Vol. XXXIV, No. 2, December, 1980, pp. 325-350.
“Rousseau and the Origin of Revolution,” Philosophy and Social Criticism, Vol. 6, No. 4, 1979, pp. 349-370.
“Enlightened Despotism and Democracy,” Telos, No. 33, Fall, 1977, pp. 219-230.
“Marxisme et philosophie concrete. Situation de Bloch,” in Utopie, Marxisme selon Ernst Bloch, G. Raulet, ed. (Paris: Payot, 1976), pp. 36-57.
“Ernst Bloch–Unserer Zeitgenosse,” in Ernst Blochs Wirkung. Ein Arbeitsbuch zum 90. Geburtstag, (Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1975), pp. 435-460.
“Introduction to Castoriadis,” Telos, No. 23, Spring, 1975, pp. 117-131.
“The Role of Ontology in Marxism” (published in Japanese translation), Gendai no Riron, January and June, 1974, pp. 72-85 and pp. 94-106.
“Introduction to Lefort,” Telos, No. 22, Winter, 1974-75, pp. 2-30.
“La théorie et la praxis de la théorie dialectique,” L’homme et la société, janvier-juin, 1974, No. 31-32, pp. 91-108.
“A Politics in Search of the Political,” Theory and Society, 1, 1974, pp. 271-306.
“Rereading Luxemburg,” Telos, No. 18, Winter, 1973-1974, pp. 89-106.
- German translation, in Rosa Luxemburg oder die Bestimmung des Sozialismus, Claudio Pozzoli: ed. (Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1974)pp. 94-126.
- French translation, in Esprit, février 1976, pp.263-286.
- Italian translation, in Annali della Fondazione Lelio e Lisli Basso, Vol. 2, (Milano: Gabriele Mazzotta Editore, 1977), pp. 131-143.
- Spanish translation, in Materiales, numero extraordinario, Nr. 3, Summer, 1978, pp. 131-158.
“Existentialism or Marxism?” in Toward a New Marxism, Paul Piccone and Bart Grahl, eds. St. Louis: Telos Press, 1973, pp. 100-131.
“A Marxist Ontology? On Sartre’s Critique de la raison dialectique,” Cultural Hermeneutics, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1973, pp. 251-284.
“Ambiguous Radicalism: Merleau-Ponty’s Interrogation of Political Thought, in The Horizons of the Flesh: Critical Perspectives on the Thought of Merleau-Ponty, Garth Gilian, ed. (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1973), pp. 143-160.
“On Marx’s Critical Theory,” Telos, No. 6, Winter, 1970, pp. 224-233.
“Fétichisme, aliénation et théorie critique,” L’Homme et la société, juillet-aôut-septembre, 1970, No. 17, pp. 97-110.
“On Deforming Marx: The French Translation of the Grundrisse,” Science & Society, Vol. XXXIII, No. 3, Summer-Fall, 1969, pp. 358-365.
“Hallucination: A Phenomenological Analysis,” Review of Existential Psychology and Psychiatry, Vol. VI, No. 3, Fall, 1966, pp. 2ll-229.
“Phenomenology and/or Psychology,” Ibid., Vol. V, No. 3, Fall, 1965, pp. 239-265.