
Prélude au chaos: les primaires aux États-Unis

May 29th, 2016

Analysis of the early stages of the U.S. Primary Elections on the side of Republicans and Democrats. Who were the candidates, why did they propose to run, what did they want to do? This is a running commentary with critical reflections on the candidates and the parties that they claimed to represent. It was completed after the Super Tuesday primaries which seemed to outline the future results.

Published in the Bi-monthly French magazine Diplomacy, number 80, May-June 2016.

Some of the descriptions and analyses here led to the conclusions proposed in Le Monde, 24 mai 2016, “Les Primaires, un mirage démocratique”.

Prélude au chaos, les primaires…

Les primaires, un mirage démocratique

May 24th, 2016

Tribune publié dans Le Monde (24 mai 2016). Mise en perspective de la naissance du système des primaires aux Etats-Unis; analyse de l’actualité politique en termes des “us et abus” de ce système; explication de la montée de Donald Trump et du soutien de Bernie Sanders; mise en question de l’applicabilité du système en France.

Voici le lien: http://www.lemonde.fr/idees/article/2016/05/24/les-primaires-un-mirage-democratique_4925452_3232.html

Penser la Grande Guerre à partir de l’expérience allemande

August 5th, 2014

 Article paru dans la revue Esprit (août-septembre 2014), pp. 110-113.  C.f.  Penser la Grande Guerre: Grande Guerre dans Esprit

La Grande Guerre marque en Allemagne marque une rupture plus profonde que l’on ne l’imagine.  Il n’y a de comparaison historique qu’avec la Révolution de 1989 si l’on reprend l’échelle d’analyse proposée jadis par Furet dans Penser la révolution française.  Relecture donc de cette guerre et de ses présupposées et de ses reflects idéologiques à partir du grand livre de Herfried Münkler.  

Voir le lien ci-dessus à la revue Esprit.  Ou bien, ce lien: http://www.cairn.info/resume.php?ID_ARTICLE=ESPRI_1408_0110 

Une version anglaise paraîtra dans la revue en ligne Logos  (www.logosjoural.com; et une traduction espagnole est prévue dans la revue La Maleta de Port Bou (http://www.lamaletadeportbou.com)

Andre Gorz und die philosophische Voraussetzungen des Politischen

March 9th, 2014

The most complete version of the several Gorz articles in english (logos) or french (esprit); this post includes also the other articles solicited by André Hager and Harald Bluhm for the journal Berliner Debatte. Initial.

Read:  Gorz-Initial

La philosophie charnelle d’André Gorz

March 9th, 2014

Version française récrite et rédigée pour la revue Esprit par Alice Béjà, parue janvier 2014.  Voire versions anglaise (dans Logos) et version plus étouffé dans Berliner Debatte. Initial

Lire:  Esprit, janvier 2014, Gorz

Obama cherche à reprendre pied

February 1st, 2014

Mise en perspective historique et politique du “Discours sur l’état de l’Union” de Barack Obama, le 28 janvier 2014.  Ce n’est pas un “Discours de la couronne” mais une intervention démocratique.  Quel pourrait être sa réception par les temps (politiques) qui courent?

Lire:  http://www.philomag.com/blogs/chronique-transatlantique/obama-cherche-a-reprendre-pied

Version reprise dans Boulevard extérieur sous le titre “Obama joue sa présidence sur ses deux dernières années”.

Lire:  http://www.boulevard-exterieur.com/article.php?rubrique=1&ssCat=&id=2667



“In Search of a New Left, Then and Now

January 27th, 2014

“In Search of a New Left, Then and Now” was published in Living with Class.  Philosophical Reflections on Identity and Material Culture, edited by Ron Scapp and Brian Seitz (New York:  Palgrave Macmillan, 2013), pp. 25-31.


In Search of a New Left, Then and Now

January 25th, 2014

“In Search of a New Left, Then and Now,” is a short autobiographical-philosophical essay published in a collective volume called Living with Class.  Philosophical Reflections on Identity and Material Culture, edited by Ron Scapp and Brian Seitz (Routledge, 2013), pp. 25-31).

The important parallels come from the attempts to renew a left gone static, whether it was that of the Old Left of communist-marxist vintage, or the attempt to draw implications from the Occupy … movements.  The collection tries to draw some lessons, or better– to reflect on:  the Occupy movements and the question whether the concept of “class” makes sense today.  Younger contributors offer newer views; but interesting is that the essay following mine is by Stanly Arownowitz, who contributed to the 1971 volume edited with Karl Klare, The Unknown Dimension, in which we tried to make inroads into received opinion, as does this volume.

André Gorz & the Philosophical Foundation of the Political

November 12th, 2013

I wrote first about André Gorz in the early 1970s, in an essay on the New Working Class that later became a chapter in The Marxian Legacy.  We continued to correspond over the years; and he dedicated a later essay to me.  This has led some analysts to ask me questions about Gorz; and it has led others to find some of our correspondence in his Archives at the IMEC in France (full copies of my part, and some missing letters of his are at my Archives at the library of Stony Brook University).

This essay returns to some of the problems that we discussed over the years (but it is not based on archival work, only memory and a rereading of his work).  Especially important is the early philosophical treatise, Fondements pour une morale, and also Le traître.   Perhaps most enlightening for me who knew him is the Lettre à D…,  which seems to me to put an entirely new spin on the thin skin of the early existentialist.

Read:  Gorz dans Logos

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